Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/474

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Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. &K20T Principles of Surgery. By N. Senn, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111. ; Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Polyclinic ; At- tending Surgeon to the Milwaukee Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to the Milwaukee County Hospital and to the Milwaukee County Insane Asylum. This work, by one of America's greatest surgeons, is thoroughly complete ; its clearness and brevity of statement are among its conspicuous merits. The author's long, able, and conscientious researches in every direction in this important field are a guarantee, of unusual trustworthiness, that every branch of the subject is treated authoritatively, and in such a manner as to bring the greatest gain in knowledge to the practitioner and student. In one handsome Royal Octavo volume, with 109 fine Wood-Engravings and 624 pages. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France Price in Cloth, $4.50, Net $5.00, Net 24s. 6i 27 fr. 20 " Sheep or ^-Russia, 5.50 " 6.10 " 30s. 33 fr. 10 Stephen Smith, M.D., Professor of Clin- ical Surgery Medical Department University of the City of New York, writes : " I have examined the work with great satisfaction, and regard it as a most valuable addition to American surgical literature. There has long been great need of a work on the principles of surgery which would fully illustrate the pres- ent advanced state of knowledge of the various subjects embraced in this volume. The work seems to me to meet this want admirably." Lewis A. Sayre, M.D., Professor Ortho- paedic Surgerv Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New Vork, writes : " My Dear Doctor Senn : Your very valuable work on surgery, sent to me some time since, I have studied with great satisfaction and improvement. I congratulate you most heartily on having pro- duced the most classical and practical work on surgery yet published." Frank J. Lptz, M.D., St. Louis, Mo., says : "It seems incredible that those who pretend to teach have done without such a guide before, and I do not understand how our stu- dents succeeded in mastering the principles of modern surgery by attempting to read our obsolete text-books. American surgery should feel proud of the production, and the present generation of surgeons owe you a debt of gratitude." Wm. Oseer, M.D., The Johns Hopkins Hos- pital, Baltimore, says: "You certainly have covered the ground thoroughly and well, and with a thoroughness I do not know of in any similar work. I should think it would prove a great boon to the students and also to very many teachers." The work is systematic and compact, without a fact omitted "or a sentence too much, and it not only makes instructive but fascinating reading. A conspicuous merit of Senn's work is his method, his persistent and tireless search through original investigations for additions to knowledge, and the practical character of his discoveries. The Review of Insanity and JVervous Diseases. Every chapter is a mine of information con- taining all the recent advances on the subjects presented in such a systematic, instructive, and entertaining style that the reader will not willingly lay it aside, but will read and re-read with pleasure and profit. Kansas Medical Journal. After perusing this work on several different occasions, we have come to the conclusion that it is a remarkable work, by a man of unusual ability. The author seems to have had a very large personal experience, which is freely made use of in the text, besides which he is familiar with almost all that has been written in Eng- lish and German on the above topics. JVie Canada Medical Record. The work is exceedingly practical, as the chapters on the treatment of the various con- ditions considered are based on sound deduc- tions, are complete, and easily carried out by any painstaking surgeon. All in all, the book is a most excellent one, and deserves a place in every well-selected library. Medical Record. It will prove exceedingly valuable in the diffusion of more thorough knowledge of the subject-matter among English-speaking sur- feons. As in the case of all his work, he has one this in a truly admirable manner. The book throughout is worthy of the highest praise. It should be adopted as a text-book in all of our schools. University Medical Magazine. The principles of surgery, as expounded by Dr. Senn, are such as to place the student in the independent position of evolving from them methods of treatment ; the master of tbe principles readily becomes equally a master of practice. And this, of course, is really the whole purpose of the volume. Weekly Med- ical Review. HAY FEWER S A JO US And Its Successful Treatment toy Superficial Organic Alteration of tlie Nasal mucous Membrane. By Cn.RLES E. Sajous, M.D., formerly Lecturer on Rhinology and Laryngology in Jefferson Medical College ; Cnief Editor of the Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences, etc With 13 Engravings on Wood. 103 pages. 12mo. Bound in Cloth, Beveled Edges. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00, net; in Great Britain, 6s. ; in France, 6 fr. 20. (20)