Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/72

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greater enjoyment. Memory for the events at the height of these attacks, in which the extreme irritability even led to outbreaks of maniacal rage, was entirely wanting. D. himself thought that he must have had moments in which he no longer had control of his senses, and without satisfaction from his wife would have been compelled to seize the next best female. After an attack of violent emotion, these attacks of sexual excitement suddenly disappeared entirely.

The two following cases show how powerful, dangerous, and painful sexual hyperæsthesia may become in those afflicted with this anomaly:—

Case 14. Hyperæsthesia Sexualis—Delirium Acutum ex Abstinentia.—On May 29, 1882, F., aged 29, single, shoemaker, was received at the clinic. Father was of passionate temper; mother neuropathic, and had an insane brother. Patient had never been seriously ill previously, and was not a drinker, but had always been sexually very passionate. Five days before, he was taken acutely ill mentally. He made two attempts at rape in broad daylight, before witnesses, and when arrested talked in delirium only of obscene things, and masturbated without stint, and for three days had been raving mad. On admission he presented the picture of a severe acute delirium, with violent motor symptoms of irritation, and fever. Under treatment with ergotin a cure was effected.

On January 5, 1888, second admission, in a state of violent mania. On January 4, he had become morose, irritable, whining, and sleepless; and then, after vain assaults on women, had manifested symptoms of increasing angry excitement.

On January 6, progress of the condition to severe acute delirium (great disturbance of consciousness, jactation, grinding of the teeth, grimacing, and other motor symptoms of irritation; temperature as high as 40.7° C.); impulsive masturbation. Recovery was complete by January 11, under energetic treatment with ergotin.

After his recovery the patient gives an interesting account of the cause of his illness. Always very passionate sexually; first coitus at the age of sixteen. Continence caused headache, great psychical irritability, lassitude, great loss of pleasure in work, and sleeplessness. Since he had few opportunities in the country to satisfy his desire, he had recourse to masturbation. It was necessary for him to masturbate once or twice daily. No coitus in two months. Increasing sexual excitement; could think of nothing save means for the gratification of his impulse. Masturbation was not sufficient to banish the constantly increasing torment ex abstinentia. During the last four days violent impulse to coitus; increasing sleeplessness and irritability. There was only a summary recollection of the height of the illness. Patient recovered in