(2.) Provided that any persons may recover from the Commissioners such compensation (if any) as they may be entitled to under any of the provisions of the Lands Clauses Acts for any rights or property of which they may be deprived in pursuance of this section, and the amount of that compensation shall be determined in manner provided by the Lands Clauses Acts as modified for the purpose of their incorporation with this Act.
Saving for county council.6. Nothing in this Act shall affect any rights or jurisdiction for the London County Council in relation to any sewers, drains, or watercourses.
Power to enter on lands.7.The Commissioners and their surveyors, officers, and workmen may at ail reasonable time in the daytime, on giving twenty-four hours notice in writing, enter on any of the land which the Commissioners are authorised to acquire under this Act for the purpose of surveying or valuing the land.
Power of Commissioners to build.8. The Commissioners may erect all such buildings, execute all such works, and do all such other things as may in their opinion be necessary or proper for the purpose of providing new public offices on the land acquired or vested in them under this Act, or of improving the approaches to the Houses of Parliament, and appropriating any such land for any of those purposes.
Power for London County Council and Westminster Vestry to assist in execution of works.9. The London County Council and the Vestry of St. Margaret and St. John Westminster may agree with the Commissioners to undertake the execution of anything authorised to be done by the Council and Commissioners under this Act, or to contribute towards the expense thereof, and any money required for any expenses incurred in pursuance of any such agreement may be raised (if necessary by of works, borrowing) in the case of the London County Council provided by the Local Government Act, 1888 51 & 52 Vict. c. 41.
18 & 19 Vict. c. 120.
53 & 54 Vict. c.54., and any Act amending that Act, and in the case of the Vestry in manner provided by the Metropolis Management Acts, 1855 to 1890.
Protection of works of gas, water, and electricity companies10.—(1.) Where, in the removal or pulling down of any buildings or in raising or lowering the ground of any street or way for the purpose of this Act, it is necessary to raise, sink, or otherwise electricity alter the position relatively to the surface of the ground of any companies pipe, wire, or other apparatus laid down or used by any gas, water, or electricity company, or connected with any house or building for the supply of gas, water, or electricity,
(a) one month's notice shall be given t«> the company previously to the commencement of any such work ; and
(b) the work shall be executed to the reasonable satisfaction of the engineer of the company, or in case of difference of an engineer to be selected by the Board of Trade ; and
(c) every such work shall be so executed as to cause as little inconvenience as circumstances will admit to the company ; and
(d) the Commissioners shall make compensation to the company for all loss or damage, if any, which may be occasioned by the , execution of any of the works authorised by this Act.