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Ch. 25.
Friendly Societies Act, 1896.
59 & 60 Vict.

bind the society or branch and the members thereof; and all persons claiming through them respectively, to the same extent as if each member had subscribed his name and affixed his seal thereto, and there were in the rules contained a covenant on the part of himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, to conform to the rules subject to the provisions of this Act

(2.) All sums of money payable by a member to such society or branch as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a debt due from the member to the society or branch, and shall be recoverable as such in the county court of the district in which the member resides.

Privileges of Registered Societies.

Exception of societies from corresponding Societies Acts, &c.32.—(1.) A registered society or branch or a meeting of a registered society or branch shall not be affected by any of the provisions of the Unlawful Societies Act, 1799 39 Geo. 3. c. 79.
57 Geo. 3. c.19.
, or of the Seditious Meetings Act, 1817, if in the society or branch or at the meeting no business is transacted other than that which directly and immediately relates to the objects of the society or branch as declared in the rules thereof; but the society or branch, and all officers thereof shall, on request in writing by two justices of the peace, give to such justices full information of the nature, objects proceedings and practices of the society or branch.

(2.) If the society or branch when so required fails to give such information as aforesaid, the provisions of those Acts shall, so far as applicable, be in force in respect of the society or branch.

Exemptions from stamp duty.33.Stamp duty shall not be chargeable upon any of the following documents:—

(a.) Draft or order or receipt given by or to a registered society or branch in respect of money payable by virtue of its rules or of this Act:

(b.) Letter or power of attorney granted by any person as trustee for the transfer of any money of a registered society or branch invested in his name in the public funds:

(c.) Bond given to or on account of a registered society or branch or by the treasurer or other officer thereof:

(d. ) Policy of insurance or appointment or revocation of appointment of agent or other document required or authorised by this Act or by the rules of a registered society or branch.

Transfer of stock standing in name of trustee.34 .—(1.) In any of the following cases, namely:—

(i.) where a person being or having been a trustee of a registered society or branch, and whether appointed before or after the registry thereof, in whose name any stock belonging to that society or branch transferable at the Bank of England or Bank of Ireland is standing, either jointly with another or others, or solely

(a) is absent from the British Islands; or

(b) becomes bankrupt or files any petition or executes any deed for liquidation of his affairs by assignment or arrangement, or for composition with his creditors; or