accounts and audit Consolidated Fund under this Act, or repaying to that fund all or any part of the sums so issued, borrow money by means of terminable annuities for such period not exceeding thirty years from the passing of this Act as the Treasury may fix, and all sums so borrowed shall be paid into the Exchequer.
(2.) The said annuities shall be paid out of the moneys annually provided by Parliament for the foreign and colonial services; and if those moneys are insufficient, shall be charged on and paid out of the Consolidated Fund or the growing produce thereof, but shall not be payable as part of the permanent annual charge for the National Debt.
(3.) The Secretary of State shall in every financial year cause to be made out and laid before the House of Commons an account, in the form required by the Treasury, of the money expended and borrowed and the securities created under this Act, and the accounts of expenditure under this Act shall be audited and reported upon by the Comptroller and Auditor General as appropriation accounts in manner directed by the Exchequer and Audit Departments Act, 186639 & 80 Vict. c.39.
Short title3. This Act may be cited as the Uganda Railway Act, 1896.
An Act to continue various Expiring Laws.
[14th August 1896.]
WHEREAS the Acts mentioned in Part I. of the Schedule to this Act are, in so far as they are in force and are temporary in their duration, limited to expire on the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six:
And whereas the Act mentioned in Part II. of the Schedule to this Act is, to the extent aforesaid, limited to expire on the thirty-first day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven:
And whereas it is expedient to provide for the continuance as in this Act mentioned of those Acts, and of the enactments amending or affecting the same:
Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Cotinuance of Acts in Schedule.1.—(1.) The Acts mentioned in Part I. of the Schedule to this Act shall, to the extent specified in column three of that Schedule, be continued until the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and shall then expire, unless further continued.
(2.) The Act mentioned in Part II. of the Schedule to this Act shall, to the extent specified in column three of that Schedule, be continued until the thirty-first day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eighty and shall then expire, unless further continued.
(3.) Any unrepealed enactments amending or affecting the enactments continued by this Act shall, in so far as they