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Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/397

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Appropriation Act, 1896.
Ch. 46.

Sched. (B.)
Part 8.

Civil Services.
Class II.

Sums not Exceeding
in Aid
No. £ £
8. For salaries and expenses of the office of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, and subordinate departments 182,542 5,395
9. For a grant in aid of the Mercantile Marine Fund 47,500
10. For meeting the deficiency of income from fees, &c. for the requirements of the Board of Trade, under the Bankrupty Acts, 1883 and 1890, and the Companies Winding-up Act, 1890 15 141,425
11. For the salaries and expenses of the Board of Agriculture, and for defraying the repayable expenses to be incurred in matters of Inclosure and Land Improvement and for paying certain grants in aid 110,529 7,500
12. For salaries and expenses of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, including the Endowed Schools department 42,869
13. For salaries and expenses of the Civil Service Commission 39,700
14. For salaries and expenses of the department of the Comptroller and Auditor General 59,974 3,529
15. For salaries and expenses of the Registry of Friendly Societies 7,500
16. For salaries and expenses of the Local Government Board 176,997 4,300
17. For salaries and expenses of the office of the Commissioners in Lunacy in England 14,100 1,119
18. For salaries and expenses of the Mint, including the expenses of the coinage 52 74,800
19. For salaries and expenses of the National Debt Office 14,500 2,205
20. For salaries and expenses of the Public Record Office in England 21,918
21. For salaries and expenses of the establishment under the Public Works Loan Commissioners 7,000 3,290
22. For salaries and expenses of the department of the Registrar General of Births, &c., in England 40,266
23. For stationery, printing, paper, binding, and printed bocks, for the public service, and for the salaries and expenses of the Stationery Office, and for sundry miscellaneous services, including the reports of Parliamentary Debates 556,571 110,655
24. For salaries and expenses of the office of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land revenues, and of the office of Land Revenue Records and Inrolments 20,800