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Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/403

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Appropriation Act 1896.
Ch. 46.

Sched. (B)
Part 13

SCHEDULE (B.)— Part 13.

Civil Services.
Class VII.


Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Civil Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in coarse of payment daring the year ending on the 3lst day of March 1897; viz:—

Sums not Exceeding
in Aid
No.   £ £
1. For salaries and other expenses (including certain grants in aid) of temporary commissions, committees, and special inquiries 18,740
2. For certain miscellaneous expenses 3,949 6,600
3. For grants in aid of expenditure upon certain public works and for improved communications and other purposes within the Highlands and Islands of Scotland 36,200
4. For repayments to the Civil Contingencies Fund of certain miscellaneous advances 7,602
Total Civil Services, Class VII. £}} 6,491 6,660
Sched. (B.)
Part 14

SCHEDULE (B.)—Part 14.

Revenue Departments, &c.


Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Revenue Departments, &c. herein particularly mentioned, which will come in coarse of payment daring the year ending on the 31st day of March 1897; viz.:—

Sums not Exceeding
in Aid
No.   £ £
1. For salaries and expenses of the Customs Department 863,712 49,438
2. For salaries and expenses of the Inland Revenue Department 1,871,036 15,000
3. For salaries and expenses of the Post Office services, the expenses of Post Office savings banks, and Government annuities and insurances, and the collection of the Post Office revenue 7,242,120 83,780
4. For the expense of the Post Office packet service 726,607 200,212
5. For salaries and working expenses of the Post Office telegraph service 3,009,281 91,060
Total Revenue Departments}} £ 13,712,766 439,490