Page:Public Offices (Candidacy and Taking Up Offices) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2021.pdf/20

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Public Offices (Candidacy and Taking Up Offices) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2021

Part 5
Ord. No. 13 of 2021
Section 17

Part 5
Amendments to Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542)

17. Section 15 amended (when Member ceases to hold office)

(1) Section 15(1)(e)—

Repeal the full stop
“; or”.

(2) After section 15(1)(e)—

“(f) is in breach of an oath taken under section 19 of the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap. 11); or
(g) fails, or is declared or decided in accordance with any law to have failed, to fulfil the legal requirements and conditions on upholding the Basic Law and bearing allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.”.

(3) After section 15(1)—

“(1AA) Paragraph (g) of subsection (1) applies to a declaration or decision made after the person is elected as a Member, whether or not it is made before, on or after the date on which that paragraph comes into operation.”.