Page:Public Order (Additional Temporary Measures) Act 2014.pdf/4

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NO. 12 OF 2014

Short title and commencement

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Public Order (Additional Temporary Measures) Act 2014.

(2) This Act shall continue in force until the end of 12 months after the date of its commencement.


2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“alcohol” means—

(a) a beverage containing more than 0.5% ethanol by mass or volume;
(b) a mixture of ethanol and some other substance or liquid (including water) and containing more than 0.5% ethanol by mass or volume; or
(c) any other beverage or substance or liquid that is prescribed by the regulations as alcohol;

“approved person”, in relation to any power under section 9, 10 or 11, means any auxiliary police officer approved by the Commissioner in writing to exercise such power under that provision at or in relation to the special zone specified in that approval;

“authorised officer”, in relation to any provision in this Act or the regulations, means any police officer authorised in that behalf by the Commissioner for the purposes of that provision;

“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Police appointed under the Police Force Act (Cap. 235), and includes any police officer for the time being executing the duties of that office;

“entrant”, in relation to a special zone, means a person who is about to enter or is in the special zone;

“freeze period” means the period starting on the date of commencement of this Act and ending at the end of