security, he shall be committed to prison until the expiration of such term as the magistrate may direct or until he shall furnish such security to the magistrate who made the order:
Provided that the period of imprisonment for failure to give security shall not exceed the period for which security is ordered to be given.
(11) Any person so imprisoned may be released by an order made by a magistrate if such magistrate considers he may be released without hazard to the community or any person.
(12) Any surety for peaceable conduct or good behaviour may apply to a magistrate to cancel any bond executed under this section. In such a case, the magistrate shall call for fresh security for the unexpired term and if not forthcoming shall order imprisonment accordingly.
Use of necessary force. 45. Without prejudice to any other powers conferred by this Ordinance, any police officer may use such force as may be necessary—
- (a) to prevent the commission or continuance of any offence under this Ordinance;
- (b) to arrest any person committing or reasonably suspected of being about to commit or of having committed any offence under this Ordinance; or
- (c) to overcome any resistance to the exercise of any of the powers conferred by this Ordinance.
Restriction on use of force. 46. (1) Whenever in this Ordinance it is provided that such force as may be necessary may be used for any purpose, the degree of force which may be so used shall not be greater than is reasonably necessary for that purpose.
(2) Nothing in this section shall derogate from the lawful right of any person to use force in the defence of person or property.
(3) Any person who uses such force as may be necessary for any purpose, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall not be liable in any criminal or civil proceeding for having, by the use of such force, caused injury or death to any person or damage to or loss of any property.
Offences by societies, etc.
47. Where any offence under this Ordinance is committed by any society, every person charged with, or concerned or acting in, the control of management of the affairs or activities of such Society shall be guilty of that offence and liable to be punished accordingly, unless it is proved by such person that, through no