quities, no man could be justified in Thy sight, and endure the severity of Thy countenance. Woe to us if Thou judgest us without mercy! To appease Thy justice, we have recourse, after the example of Thy saints, to the unbloody sacrifice of Him Who was pleased to be nailed to the cross for us, and Who never ceaseth to make intercession with Thee in our behalf. Forgive us our sins; forgive also our brethren departed the sins which they committed against Thee, whilst they abode in this land of exile. Let Thy mercy prevail over Thy justice, since Thou hast promised graciously to hear those who shew mercy, and be Thou faithful to Thy promises.
Eternal rest give unto them, Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. To Thee is due the hymn, God, in Sion; and to Thee shall the vow be paid in Jerusalem. Oh, hear my prayer: to thee all flesh shall come. Eternal, &c.
O Jesus, shew Thyself a God of mercy; have pity on the souls that groan in the place of suffering and expiation.