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fruition of Thyself. We beseech Thee in Thy mercy to forgive the sins of our parents, friends and benefactors, ___ , and the sins which we have caused them to commit, that Thou mayest not impute the guilt to them in the rigor of Thy justice. Preserve us from those avenging flames, which, alas! we have too justly merited by the abuse of Thy graces, our tepidity in Thy service, and our unfaithfulness in resisting temptation. Deliver us from sin, the greatest of all evils, for we know that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.


Jesus, how great is the love which led Thee to offer Thyself, as a lamb to the sacrifice, for the expiation of the sins of the world! What tongue can worthily extol that charity which leads Thee to become surety for our debts, even after our death! What ought not our gratitude to be for so great a benefit!

Lamb of God, Who, by Thy death, didst overcome the roaring lion that goeth about seeking whom he may devour, have mercy on the faithful departed.

Lamb without spot, Who wast immolated to the justice of Thy divine Father, to the end that He might forgive us our sins, have mercy on