Ask yourself then seriously and carefully the following questions, by way of an
Have I not sinned this day —
In thought? By willingly entertaining some unchaste, uncharitable, or covetous thoughts ?
In word? By using immodest language — uttering oaths— curses — lies — passionate, slanderous, profane, or irreverent words ? Have I given scandal so ?
In action? By being idle ? — slow or impatient about my work ? Have I not been in evil or dangerous company ? Done any immodest action ? Been too free in my manners ? Been rude, cross, or disobedient towards my parents or superiors ? Been unkind, insolent, malicious, cruel or unjust towards my neighbor ? Have I given any bad example to my children, my servants, my neighbors ?
By omission? Have I refused or neglected to do any act of charity ? Been watchful over my children, and others depending upon me, and careful for their salvation ? Have I omitted my prayers, my penance, or some other duty ?
Finally, examine whether you have kept the resolution you made in the morning. If not, consider well what was the cause of your fall, and seek out the means to preserve you from falling in future. For be assured, that your whole Christian perfection depends upon this diligent examination of conscience.