At the memento for the dead.
I offer Thee again, Lord, this holy sacrifice of the body and blood of Thy only Son, in behalf of the faithful departed, and in particular for the souls of (here name whom you chiefly propose to pray for) my parents, (if dead,) relatives, benefactors, neighbors, &c. Likewise of such as I have any ways injured, or been the occasion of their sins ; of such as have injured me, and been my enemies ; of such as die in war, or have none to pray for them. To these, Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we. beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and peace, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Vouchsafe to grant the same to us, poor and miserable sinners: judge us not according to our demerits ; but through the infinite multitude of Thy mercies, in which we hope, liberally extend to us Thy grace and pardon.
We ask it of Thee in the name of Thy dear Son, Who liveth and reigneth eternally with Thee, and in that form of prayer which He Himself hath taught us.