Devotions at Vespers
Although there is no express commandment which makes it a mortal sin to be absent from Vespers, yet every good Catholic will make it his duty to attend when he can, and sec that his family are present also. We are commanded to sanctify the Lord's day, and the other Holy-days of obligation; but if a Catholic neglects the public service of the Church on Sunday afternoons, without any reasonable excuse, how can it be expected that he will apply himself to sanctify it in other ways?
Be present, therefore, always in the Church at Vespers, and employ the moments you spend there in praying devoutly.
While the priest and choir are singing the Office, you can follow them by using the following translation; or, if you prefer, you may make use of some other prayers, according to your devotion.
Lord, open my lips to praise Thy holy name: cleanse my heart also from all vain, perverse and wandering thoughts; enlighten my mind and inflame my heart, so that I may recite this office worthily, attentively, and devoutly, and merit a gracious hearing in the presence of Thy divine Majesty: through Christ our Lord. Amen.