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They that fear the Lord,
have hoped in the Lord:
He is their helper and protector.

The Lord hath been
mindful of us: and hath
blessed us.

He hath blessed the house
of Israel: he hath blessed
the house of Aaron.

He hath blessed all that
fear the Lord: the least together with the greatest.

May the Lord add blessings upon you: upon you,
and upon your children.

Blessed be ye of the Lord:
Who Hath made heaven
and earth.

The heaven of heavens is
the Lord's: but the earth
hath He given to the children of men.

The dead shall not praise
Thee, Lord: neither all
they that go down into

But we who live, bless
the Lord: from this time
forth for evermore.

Glory be to the Father,

Ant. We who live, bless
the Lord.