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Matter of Expiation — Want of Respect in Prayer — Mother Agnes of Jesus and Sr. Angelique — St. Severin of Cologne — Venerable Frances of Pampeluna and the Priests — Father Streit, S.f.

We should treat holy things in a holy manner. All irreverence in religious exercises is extremely displeasing to God. When the Venerable Agnes of Langeac, of whom we have already spoken, was Prioress of her convent, she very much recommended to her Religious respect and fervour in their relations with God, reminding them of these words of Holy Scripture, Accursed be he that doth the work of God with negligence. A sister of the community named Angelique died. The pious Superior was praying near her tomb, when she suddenly saw the deceased sister before her, dressed in the religious habit; she felt at the same time as though a flame of fire touched her face. Sister Angelique thanked her for having stimulated her to fervour, and particularly for having frequently made her repeat during life these words, Accursed be he that doth the work of God with negligence. "Continue, Mother," she added, "to urge the sisters to fervour; let them serve God with the utmost diligence, love Him with their whole heart, and with all the power of their soul. If they could but understand how rigorous are the torments of Purgatory, they would never be guilty of the least neglect."

The foregoing warning regards in a special manner priests, whose relations with God are continual and more sublime. Let them, therefore, remember it always, and never forget it, whether they offer to God the incense of prayer, whether they dispense the Divine Treasures of the Sacraments, or whether at the altar they celebrate the