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to your client according to your desire. Blessed Renier understood with unutterable joy that Mary had obtained his exemption from Purgatory.


Consolations of Purgatory — The Blessed Virgin Mary — Privilege of Saturday — Venerable Paula of St. Teresa — St. Peter Damian and the Deceased Marozi.

It is especially on certain days that the Queen of Heaven exercises her mercy in Purgatory. These privileged days are, .first, all Saturdays, then the different feast-days of the Blessed Virgin, which thus become as festivals in Purgatory. We see in the revelations of the saints that on Saturday, the day specially consecrated to the Blessed Virgin, the sweet Mother of Mercy descends into the dungeons of Purgatory to visit and console her devoted servants. Then, according to the pious belief of the faithful, she delivers those souls who, having worn the holy scapular, enjoy this Sabbatine privilege, and afterwards gives relief and consolation to oiher souls who had been particularly devout to her. A witness to this was the Venerable Sister Paula of St. Teresa, a Dominican Religious of the Convent of St. Catherine in Naples.[1]

Being rapt in ecstasy one Saturday, and transported in spirit into Purgatory, she was quite surprised to find it transformed into a Paradise of delights, illuminated by a bright light, instead of the darkness which at other times prevailed. Whilst she was wondering what could be the

  1. Rossign., Merv., 50; Marchese, tom. i. p. 56.