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acted towards God and towards their brethren." Moreover, this is the rule of Justice which our Saviour has established in the Gospel, With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. [1]


Advantages — Charity towards the Holy Souls recompensed by Jesus Christ — St. Catherine of Sienna and Palmerine — St. Magdalen de Pazzi and her Mother.

God is more inclined to reward than to punish, and if He inflict a chastisement upon those who forget the souls so dear to His Heart, He shows Himself truly grateful towards those who assist Him in the person of His suffering spouses. In recompense He will one day say to them, Come, ye blessed of My Father, possess the kingdom which is prepared for you. You have exercised mercy towards your necessitous and suffering brethren; Amen, I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these My least brethren, you- did it to Me. [2] Very often in this life Jesus rewards compassionate and charitable souls by the bestowal of many favours. St. Catherine of Sienna by her charity had converted a sinner named Palmerine, who died and went to Purgatory. The saint gave herself no rest until she had delivered this soul. In recompense, our Lord permitted her to appear to the saint, or rather our Saviour Himself showed her to His servant, as a glorious conquest of her Charity. Blessed Raymond thus gives the details: — In the middle of the fourteenth century, when St. Catherine edified her native city by all

  1. Matt. vii. 2.
  2. Matt. xxv. 40.