Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/205

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L'lnstitut. resection. 38^Annee. l^os. 179Q-181S (continued).

Laiibe. — Faime de St. Cassian, 240.

Delesse. — Carte geologique, 281.

Bas. — ^Ivlammiferes dii Crag d'Anvers, 281.

Delaimaj^ — Constitution de I'uniYers, 313.

Delanoue. — Geologie de la liaute Egypte, 321.

Deyille. — L'eruption du Vesiive. 338.

Pomel. — 3Ier/aIo?ii/x Cubensis, 338.

Bus. — Crag d'Anyers, 348. . 2' Section. 83^ Annee. N'os. 387-392. 1868.

Palasontographica. Beitrage ziir Naturgeschichte der Yorwelt. Yol. xviii. Lief. 1-3. 1868.

Von Rhoel. — Fojsile Flora der Steinkolilen-Forination Westphaleus einscliliesslicli Piesberg bei Osnabruck,


Names of Donors in Italics.

Ahicli, H. Geologische Beobaclitungen auf lleisca in don Gebirgs- landern zwischen Kur und xiraxes. 1867.

Anon. (Besearch.). Auriferous Drifts in Australasia. 1868. Pre- sented hij the Publishers, W. Blackwood ^* Sons.

Archiardi, A. d Studio comparativo fra i Coralli doi Terrcni Terziari del Piemonte e dell' Alpi Yenete. 1868.

Biedermcinn, W. E. A. Petrefacten aus der Umgegend von Winter - thur. Heft 3. 1868.

Brand. Notes on certain Terrestrial MoUusca, with Descriptions of New Species. 1868.

Briart, A., F. Cornet, et A. IF. de Lehaie. Bapport sur les decou- vertes geologiques et archeologiques faites a Spiennes en 1867. 1868.

Caj^per, li. Observations on the Crust of the Earth, and the For- mation of Gold-bearing Bocks. 1868.

Clarke, A. B. Determination of the Positions of Feaghmain and Haverfordwest, longitude stations on the great European arc of Parallel. Being an Appendix to the xVccount of the Principal Tri- angulation of Great Britain and Ireland. 1867. Presented hy the Director-General of the Ordnance Survey.

Cline, G. W. On Buddhism. 1868. From J. Burgess, Esq^.