Fossils from the Great Oolite Ferruginous Band.
rostrata, Sow.
imbricata, Sow.
plana, Mor. & Lyc.
Sowerbyi, Mor. & Lyc.
subrugulosa, Mor. & Lyc.
(Euspira) pyramidata, Mor. & Lyc.
Table of Fossils from Beds of the Northampton Sand in the Neighbourhood of Northampton.
[Note. — As in the Great Oolite Limestone, so also in the Northampton Sand, a large proportion of the fossils consist only of internal casts, so that the same probability exists that there may be some instances of erroneous description.]
D signifies that the fossil was obtained from the Middle Division of the N. Sand.
L signifies that the fossil was obtained from the Limestone Bed of the N. Sand.
E signifies that the fossil was obtained from the Lower Division of the N. Sand.
Lamellibranchiata (Monomyoria).
Avicula Braamburiensis, Sow., var.
„ (allied to) complicata, Buckm.
„ inaequivalvis, Sow.
„ Munsteri, Goldf.
Exogyra sp. nov. ?
Gervillia acuta, Sow.
,, Hartmanni, Goldf.
,, lata, Phil.
,, praelonga?, Lyc.
,. tortuosa, Phil, sp.
Gryphaea subloba?, Desch.
Hinnites abjectus, Phil.
„ large variety
" velatus, Goldf. sp.
Inoceramus Fittoni, Mor. & Lyc.
„ obliquus, Mor. & Lyc.
Lima* (closely allied to) antiquata, Sow.
" bellula, Mor. & Lyc.
- Many forms of this genus occur in these beds which it is impossible to
identify with certainty : they doubtless represent several new species.