Modiola Sowerbyana, D'Orb.
,, subreniformis, Mor. & Lyc.
„ small sp. ?
„ sp.?
Myacites dilatatas, Phil. sp.
„ unionoides
Myoconcha crassa, Sow.
Opis, sp. ?
Pholadomya ambigua, Sow.
„ fidicula, Sow.
„ fidicula? or new sp. (semi- ] acuticosta)?
„ Heraulti, Ag. (Desboro') E
„ large new species ?
Quenstedtia laevigata, Mor. & Lyc.
„ oblita, Phil.
Tancredia angulata ?, Lycett
„ axiniformis, Phil.
„ planata, Mor. & Lyc.
Trigonia angulata ?, Sow.
„ compta, Lyc.
„ costata, Park.
„ var. pullus, Sow.
,, denticulata, Ag.
„ duplicata, Sow.
„ Goldfussi, Ag.
„ impressa, Sow.
„ Phillipsii, Mor. & Lyc.
„ Sharpiana (new species), Lycett
„ V-costata, Lyc.
„ sp.?
Unicardium gibbosum, Mor. & Lyc.
„ impressum, Mor. & Lyc.
„ parvulum, Mor. & Lyc.
" varicosum ?, Sow.
" sp.?
Rhynchonella angulata, Sow.
" cynocephala, Rich.*
" quadriplicata, Ziet.
" subdecorata, Dav.
" tetraedra, Sow.†
" subtetraedra, Dav.
" variabilis, Schloth.
- In the lower part of the bed, and at Brixworth, in the same relative position.
† Vide Davidson's Ool. Brach., pl. xviii. fig. 10. This form is also nearly allied to B. subdecorata, Dav. It is also found commonly in the " Ironstone " in other parts of the country.