Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 26.djvu/568

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The species has some general resemblance to P. similis, Sow., but differs in the relative dimensions, the position of the band, and in the details of its ornamentation.

Locality. Zone of Ammonites raricostatus, Bredon. (Coll. Geol. Soc. sp. unicum.)

Dentalium Limatulum, nov. spec. (Pl. XXVI. fig. 1.)

Shell small, moderately thick, obtusely triangular, slightly curved, ornamented with numerous closely set, regular, slightly oblique, and acute costae.

Dimension. Length 0-5 inch.

D. angulatum, Buckman, from the zones of Ammonites margaritatus and A. ibex, resembles D. limatulum in its ornamentation ; but the shell is quadrangular in form, and between three and four times the length of the present species. D. decoratum, Munster, from the St.-Cassian beds is similarly ornamented, but the figure is quinquangular.

Locality. Zone of Belemnites acutus, Cloverly, Salop (Sir R. Murchison). (Sp. unicum; Coll. Geol. Soc.)

Patella Sabrina, nov. sp.

The Rev. P. B. Brodie has submitted to my inspection the cast of a large limpet, obtained by him in the superior clays of the Lower Lias in the vale of Gloucestershire. Imperfect as the materials at my command are, yet they indicate the occurrence of a hitherto undescribed species of Patella in the Lower Lias.

Shell very large, turbinate, conical ; sides subconvex ; apex obtuse, central ; base entire, elliptical.

Dimensions. Height 1-2 inch ; diameters of the base 2 and 2-5 inches.

Chemnitzia crassicosta, nov. spec. (Pl. XXVI. fig. 6.)

Shell turreted, elongated ; whorls convex, about ten ; suture deeply channelled; a slight keel winds round the lower half of each whorl; surface of last whorl ornamented by strong curved round ribs, about fifty in number, crossed by a few depressed longitudinal threads, which are more prominent on the base of the shell.

Dimension. Total length 0.45 inch.

Locality. Zone of Belemnites acutus, Cloverly, Salop (Sir B. Murchison). (Coll. Geol. Soc.)

Serpula subpentagona, Tate.

Serpula pentagona, Terquem and Piette, Lower Lias, East of France, p. 118, t. 14. f. 13 & 14, 1865 (non Goldfuss, 1837).

To avoid the dual employment of the specific name pentagona, I here propose that the species described by Terquem and Piette should be termed S. subpentagona. The two species are very different : in S. pentagona the median carina is bounded on each side by an elevated costa; in S. subpentagona the shell is regularly pentagonal.