Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 26.djvu/819

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Geselli, L. Sopra l'Arte Ceramica primitiva nel Lazio. 4to. Rome, 1868.

—. Sopra una Tartaruga trovata alle acque caje di Viterbo. 8vo. 1846.

—. Stromenti in Silice della Prima Epoca della pietra della Campagna Romana. 8vo. Rome, 1866.

Chambeyron et Banare. Instructions Nautiques sur la Nouvelle- Caledonie. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Presented by the Depot de la Marine.

Charts and Plans of the Coast of various parts of the World. Numbered 2513 to 2841. Presented by the Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine.

Cloue, G. C. Pilote de Terre-Neuve. Tomes 1 & 2. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Presented by the Depot de la Marine.

Croll, J. On Ocean-currents. 8vo. 1870.

—. The Boulder-clay of Caithness a Product of Land-ice. 8vo. 1870.

Daubree, A. Note sur l'existence de gisements de bauxite dans les departements de l'Herault et de l'Ariege. 8vo. Paris, 1869.

Duncan, P. M. On Paloeocoryne, a Genus of Tubularine Hydrozoa from the Carboniferous Formation. 4to. 1869.

Eichwald, E. von. Nils von Nordenskiold und Alexander von Nordmann nach ihren Leben und Wirken geschildert. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1870.

Evans, G. On some Sections of Chalk between Croydon and Oxtead. 8vo. 1870.

Frickmann. Instructions pour la Navigation de la Cote Ouest d'Ecosse. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Presented by the Depot de la Marine.

Fuchs, T. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Conchylienfauna des Vicentinischen Tertiargebirges. Abth. I. 4to. Wien, 1870.

—. Die Conchylienfauna der Eocanbildungen von Kalinowka im Gouvernement Cherson im sudlichen Russland. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1869.

Gaussin. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour l'an 1870. 12mo. Paris, 1869. Presented by the Depot de la Marine.

Geinitz, H. B., and C. T. Sorge. Uebersicht der im Konigreiche Sachsen zur Chausseeunterhaltung verwendeten Steinarten. 4to. Dresden, 1870.
