Geological Magazine. Vol. vii. Nos. 7-9 (continued).
T. Davidson. — On Italian Tertiary Brachiopoda, 359, 399 (4 plates).
E. Ray Lankester. — On a new Cephalaspis discovered in America ; on Machairacanthus, and Scaphaspis Knerii, 397.
A. Marston. — On the Transition Beds between the Devonian and Silurian Rocks, 408.
E. Ray Lankester. — On a new large Terebratula occurring in East Anglia, 410.
R. H. Scott. — Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia found in Ireland, 413.
Pratt. — Reply to M. Delaunay's objections to the late Mr. Hopkins's method of determining the thickness of the Earth's Crust, 421.
' Records of the Geological Survey of India,' noticed, 339, 379, 427.
T. R. Jones's ' The Primaeval Rivers of Britain,' noticed, 371.
P. M. Duncan and H. M. Jenkins ' On Paloeocoryne, a new genus of Hydrozoa,' noticed, 376.
O. C. Marsh's 'New Fossil Reptiles and Birds from the United States,' noticed, 376.
F. Roemer 'On a new Fossil Snake, Python euboicus,' noticed, 424.
E. D. Cope ' On some new American Fossil Reptiles,' noticed, 426.
O. C. Marsh ' On a new Eocene Gavial,' noticed, 427.
Seeley's ' Ornithosauria,' reviewed, 341.
' The Explorer's Test Case,' reviewed, 381.
Hall's ' Mineralogist's Directory,' reviewed, 382.
Catlin's ' Lifted and Subsided Rocks,' reviewed, 383.
'Report of the Rugby School Natural-History Society for 1869,' reviewed, 429.
C. E. de Rance's ' Geology of the country between Liverpool and Southport,' reviewed, 430.
Reports and Proceedings of Societies, 343, 386, 431.
Correspondence, 347, 394, 440.
Miscellaneous, 348, 395, 444.
Harlem. Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles publiees par la Societe Hollandaise des Sciences a Harlem. Tome v. Livraisons 1-3. 1870.
H. H. H. van Zouteveen. — La foret petrifiee du Caire, les collines de tessons de poterie de la Basse-Egypte et la premiere cataracte du Nil, 238.
Iron and Coal Trades Review. Vol. iv. Nos. 124-135. July to September 1870.
Linnean Society of London. Journal. Botany. Vol. xi. Nos. 54 & 55.
—. Proceedings. Session 1869-70.
—. Transactions. Vol. xxvi. Part 4.
W. C. Williamson. — Contributions towards the History of Zamia Gigas, 663.
W. Carruthers. — On Fossil Cycadean Stems from the Secondary Rocks of Britain, 675.
Vol. xxvii. Parts 1 & 2.