Plate Page
I. Maps and Sections, to illustrate Mr. S. V. Wood's paper on the Denudation of the Weald Valley 20
II. Map and Sections, to illustrate Mr. C. L. Griesbach's paper on the Geology of Natal 70
III. Cretaceous Fossils from Natal, to illustrate Mr. C. L. Griesbach's paper on the Geology of Natal 70
IV. New Eocene Crustacea, to illustrate Mr. H. Woodward's paper on New Crustacea from the Lower Eocene of Portsmouth 92
V. Ammonites from Malaga, to illustrate M. d'Orueta's paper on the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Malaga 113
VI. Plan and Sections of Coralline Crag, to illustrate Mr. Prestwich's first paper on the Crag-beds of Suffolk and Norfolk 146
VII. VIII. IX. X. Sternbergae, Calamodendra, Calamites, and SIGILLARIAE, to illustrate Dr. Dawson's paper on the structure and affinities of those genera 160
XI. Reptilian Skull, to illustrate Mr. Hulke's paper on a Reptilian Skull from Brooke, Isle of Wight 206
XII. Tree Ferns and Noeggerathia, to illustrate Dr. Dawson's paper on Devonian Plants 274
XIII. Ischyodus orthorhinus, to illustrate Sir Philip Egerton's paper on a new Chimaeroid Fish 278
XIV. Views of the Scur of Eigg, to illustrate Mr. A Geikie's paper on the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the British Islands 310
XV. XVI. Lower Cambrian Fossils, to illustrate Messrs. Harkness and Hicks' s paper on the Ancient Rocks of St. David's Promontory 402
XVII. Ichthyosaurus enthekiodon, to illustrate Mr. Hulke's paper on an Ichthyosaurus from Kimmeridge Bay 441
XVIII. Teleosaurus megarhinus, to illustrate Mr. Hulke's paper on a Teleosaurus from Kimmeridge Bay 442
XIX. Supposed Vegetable Fossils, to illustrate Mr. Carruthers's paper on some supposed Vegetable Fossils 448
XX. Sections, to illustrate Mr. Prestwich's third paper on the Crag-beds of Suffolk and Norfolk 496