Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/482

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ground; and for that purpose T applied to Mr. P. Bruff, C.E., of Ipswich. This gentleman very kindly offered me the gratuitous services of his assistant, Mr. Miller, to run a level from the river Deben to Shottisham ; and I am indebted to him for the careful levels and plan given in PI. VI.

This survey has furnished the data for my section at Sutton, where the old cliffs and shore-lines are shown (map and sections, Pl. VI.),

Fig. 21. — Section in Bullock-yard pit, Sutton (D, Pl. VI.).

Red Crag.

s'. Upper shore-line, with blocks of Coralline Crag, flints, coprolites, and shells.

a'. Lower shore-line, with a seam of Mytili (m) and a bed of coprolites (n).

Fig. 22. — Section in the same pit, but at right angles to the above.

Red Crag with two boulders of Coralline Crag, showing that No. 1 fell before, and No. 2 after the deposition of bed r.

Fig. 23 — Section of pit (C, Pl. VI.) near the Barn.

Red Crag with numerous blocks and fragments of Coralline Crag, showing the section of the lower shore on W. side of the reef.

while the details of them as seen in two of the pits are given in figs. 21, 22, and 23. The upper shore-line s' is 31 feet above high