Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/618

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more than from 20 to 25 feet thick ; and sands predominate, the shingle being subordinate.

In the neighbourhood of Reydon, near Southwold, the same beds, usually light-coloured, are seen underlying the Boulder-clay in some of the clay-pits ; but they are better exposed in the pits along their line of outcrop on the north side of the valley of the Blyth, nearer Southwold. In a pit close on the north-east edge of Reydon marshes, I found in these sands, last autumn, a seam of the same pebbly sand concreted by oxide of iron. This seam was full of the casts and impressions of Mytilus edulis in all stages of growth, and many of the shells double. Southwold* stands on these beds ; and their relation to the Boulder-clay and to the valley-beds was well exposed before the removal of the brick-pit, just north of the town, further from the shore. The section was as follows : —

Fig. 31. — North end of Southwold Cliff (see also coast sect. Pl. XX.).


a. Brick-earth and gravel, witb the remains of Elephas primigenius 5 to 10

8. Boulder-clay (upper division) 8 to 12

5. White and yellow sand and shingle, with a few ferruginous bands 20

In the next cliff, at Easton Bavent, we find the same sand and shingle, with seams of the ferruginous bed. In the latter, casts of shells are numerous, but difficult of determination. I found

Cardium, Mytilus (edulis?), Littorina, Natica,

and numbers of small Foraminifera.

The Chillesford Clay here rises from beneath these shingle- beds (5) ; and under the clay is the well-known Southwold crag (ante, fig. 26, p. 345). This section clearly shows not only the relation of these divisions, but in the same cliff, a short distance further north (fig. 32), may be seen the setting-in of the Forest-bed and its relation to the same series.

Fig. 32. — Section near the north end of Easton-Bavent Cliff.


5 White and yellow sand and shingle

4. Traces of wood and carbonaceous matter.

3. Laminated grey clay with double shells in the position of life (Chillesford Clay) 6

3'. Shelly sands (Chillesford Sands).

  • But for the existing sands and shingle of Southwold strand, I should have

preferred " Southwold " to " Westleton" to designate these beds.