Pleurotoma Renieri, Ph., add "D" and "At."
P. striolata, Sc., is from the Red Crag, and not the Coralline Crag, at Sutton.
Scalaria subulata is not a variety of S. foliacea, but is a distinct species. Mr. M c Andrew dredged it off Teneriffe, in from 40 to 60 fathoms.
S. varicosa is not a variety of S. fimbriosa, but is a distinct species. It is not the Turbo varicosus of Brocchi, nor S. varicosa of Lamarck.
Trochus millegranus, add " D."
127. †T. multigranus : D-D; At; S. Also Red Crag.
T. tricariniferus (recte tricarinifer) : Swedish expedition, 340-430 fathoms.
Trophon costiferum (recte costifer) : Swedish expedition, 110-300 fathoms.
Add Vermetus arenarius, L. : C ; M ; Orford.
The above will somewhat increase the percentage of recent species, but will not, in other respects, materially alter the tabulated results given in my paper on the " Coralline Crag."
This gives a diagram-section passing through the centre of the Crag district from near Manningtree, by Ipswich, across the hills near Buckenham and Newbourne, passing through Sutton, Butley, Chillesford, Aldborough, Sizewell, to the coast at Dunwich, thence along the coast by South wold, Lowestoft and Yarmouth to Hasborough and Bacton. A branch from the section is prolonged inland from Easton Bavent across the hills near Beccles to Thorpe, near Norwich. The names of the towns and villages are given approximately.
The relation of the Coralline, Eed, and Norwich Crags, of the Westleton series, and of the Boulder-clay series is given generally, and in accordance with observed sections referred to in the text and given in detail in the woodcuts.
Page 121. It is possible that the estimate for bed "e," may be 2 feet, and for bed " d " 5 feet, too thick, which would make the thickness of the lower division of the Coralline Crag about 40 instead of 47 feet.
„ 330. Add Pectunculus glycymeris to the list of Butley shells.
,, 343. Add Mastodon (tooth) to list of fossils found at Sizewell.
„ 344. For the freshwater shells found at Bulchamp and Easton Bavent, see General List at the end of the third paper.
„ 346. From some memoranda left by Capt. Alexander, it seems that a portion of the jaw was attached to the Mastodon tooth found at Easton Bavent, and that it was taken out of a spot 5 feet above the base of cliff, and apparently in the clay and not in the sands.