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Fig. 8.-Section at Dordrecht, on the Upper Stormberg, 5000 feet above the sea-level.
1. Greenstone or basalt.
2. Claystone.
3. Coarse-grained greyish sandstone.*
4. Hard grey shale.
5. Coarse, gritty, brownish sandstone.
6. Similar sandstone, with feruginous patches and nodules.
7. Quartzose grit, sometimes approaching a fine conglomerate.
8. Sandstone, with silicified trees.
9. Close-grained sandstone, with fossil roots &c.
10, 11, 12. Stratified clays:-10 yellowish, and 11 light grey, with abundance of Ferns, Paloeozomia, &c; 12 dark blue, with fewer Ferns &c.
a, a, a. Strata unknown.