Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/730

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Helmersen, G.v. Ueber die Braunkohlenlager bei Smela im Gouvernement Kjew und bei Jelisawetgrad im Gouvernement Cherson. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1869.

Hopkinson, J. On a Specimen of Diplograpsus pristis with Reproductive Capsules. 8vo. 1871.

Hull, E. On the Age of the Ballycastle Coal Field. 8vo. 1871.

Kirkby, J. W., and J. Duff. Notes on the Geology of Part of South Durham. 8vo. 1871.

Lindstrom, G. A Description of the Anthozoa Perforata of Gotland. 4to. Stockholm, 1870.

Mackay, A. A Visit to Sydney and the Cudgegong Diamond Mines. 8vo. Melbourne, 1870.

Mallet, F. R. On the Geological Structure of the Country near Aden, with reference to the practicability of sinking Artesian Wells. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, vol. vii. part 3.) , Presented by Sir C. Lyell, Bart.

Marcou, J. De la Science en France. Premiere Partie. 8vo. Paris, 1869.

—. Les derniers travaux sur le Dyas et Trias de Russie. 8vo. Paris, 1869.

—. Notice Biographique sur M. Auguste Dollfus-Gros. 8vo. Paris, 1869.

—. Notes pour servir a l'histoire des anciens glaciers de l'Auvergne. 8vo. Paris, 1869.

—. Note sur une meteorite tombee le 11 Juillet 1868, a, Lavaux, pres Ornans (Doubs). 8vo. Paris, 1868.

Markham, C. R. A Memoir on the Indian Surveys. 8vo. 1871.

Marsh, O. C. Descriptions of some New Fossil Serpents from the Tertiary Deposits of Wyoming. 8vo. 1871.

—. Notice of a Fossil Forest in the Tertiary of California. 8vo. 1871.

—. On the Geology of the Eastern Uintah Mountains. 8vo. 1870.

Murchison, R. I. Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, 22nd May, 1871.

Naumann, C. F. Elemente der Mineralogie. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871.

Ortlieb, J., et E. Chellonneix. Etude Geologique des Collines Tertiaires du Departement du Nord comparees avec celles de la Belgique. 8vo. Lille, 1870.