Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/736

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Good Hope, Mr. G. Gilfillan on the, 72.

Dieppe, Mr. W. Whitaker on the cliff- sections of the Tertiary beds west of, 263.

Dinosaurian skull, Mr. J. W. Hulke on a probable, from Brooke, Isle of Wight, 199.

Dip of the saliferous beds of the Uitenhage formation, 511.

Distribution, stratigraphical, of the British fossil Lainellibranchiata, Mr. J. L. Lobley on the, 411.

Dolerites of the island of Eigg, 290.

Dolerite veins in Eigg, 299.

Donations to the library, viii, 34, 1G2, 357, 549 ; museum, vii.

Donegal, Mr. A. H. Green on the geology of part of the county of, 449.

Dordrecht, section at, 524; section through, 537.

Dorset, Mr. J. W. Hulke on a fragment of a Teleosaurian snout from Kimmeridge Bay, 442.

—, Mr. J. W. Hulke on an Ichthyosaurus from Kimmeridge Bay, 440.

— and Devon, Mr. W. Whitaker on the chalk of the southern part of, 93.

Drayson, Lieut.-CoL, on the probable cause, date, and duration of the Glacial epoch of geology, 232.

Dunan Thalasgair, section through, 287.

Duncan, Prof. P. Martin on a new species of coral from the Bed Crag of Waldringfield, 369.

—, on the persistence of Caryophylla cylindracea, Beuss, sp., a Cretaceous species of coral in the coral fauna of the deep sea, 434.

Durban, section through, 59.

Durdle Cove, section of chalk with flints in eastern side of, 95.

Dykes in the island of Eigg, 298.

Eastbourne, Sussex, Mr. W. Whitaker on the chalk of the cliffs from Seaford to (title only), 92.

Easton Bavent cliff, section near north end of, 462 ; section of cliff at, 345 ; fossils from the crag and Chillesford clay at, 345.

Echinodermata of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 131.

Economic geology of Natal, 70.

Egerton, Sir P. G., on a new Chimaeroid fish from the Lias of Lyme Regis (Ischyodus orthorhinus ___), 275.

Eggs, fossil, 446.

Eigg, geology of the island of, 285 ; map of, 286 ; section of, 287 ; Oolitic series of, 288 ; volcanic series of, 289 ; Scur of, 303.

Eland's Post, section through, 537; table of elevations from, to the banks of the Orange river, near Aliwal, 548.

Elevations, table of, from Eland's Post to the banks of the Orange River, near Aliwal, 548.

Eugelberg, cirque near, 323.

Entomostraca of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 130.

Eurypterus Brodiei, 262.

Eurypterus, Bev. P. B. Brodie on the discovery of a new species of, in the "passage-beds" in the neighbourhood of Woolhope, Herefordshire, 256.

—, Mr. H. Woodward on a new species of (E. Brodiei) from Perton, near Stoke Edith, Herefordshire, 261.

Fairbank, Dr. F. Boyston, on the discovery of a "bone-bed" in the lowest of the " Lynton Grey-beds," North Devon (title only), 33.

Fauna of the Izinhluzabalungu deposits, 62.

Felstone vein in Eigg, 299.

Fer-a-Cheval, 312.

Ferns, tree, Dr. J. W. Dawson on new, and other fossils from the Devonian, 269.

Fish, Sir P. G. Egerton on a new Chimaeroid, from the Lias of Lyme Regis, 275.

Fish-remains of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 132.

Flora, Carboniferous, of Bear Island, Prof. O. Heer on the, 1.

Fluid-casts, 445.

Foraminifera of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 131.

Forest-bed of Norfolk, mammalian remains from the, 466 ; plants from the, 467.

Forest-zones of the Dicynodon formation, 523.

Fossils from South Africa, 49; from the Devonian, 269 ; from the Longmynd rocks of St. David's, 399; from the Lower Eocene of Portsmouth, 85, 90; from the Nubian sandstone, 405 ; from the Red Crag, 330, 331, 332, 337, 338, 339, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 351 ; of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 125, 137; of the saliferous beds of the Uiten-