Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/743

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Sundays river, section through, 515.

Sutton, section of crag-pit on Mr. Colchester's farm, 117; fossils from Coralline Crag at, 117, 118, 119; sections of Red Crag at, 340.

Swanage Bay, section of the Punfield formation in, 213.

Table-mountain sandstone, 56.

Tafelberg, Groot, section on the Upper Zwart Kei between the, and the Great Winterberg, 526 ; sketch of, 547.

Tafelbergen, Twee, sketch of, 547.

Talcose slate formation of, Natal, 55.

Tate, Ralph, Esq., on the age of the Nubian Sandstone, 404.

Tattingstone, near Ipswich, section of Crag at, 342.

Teleosaurus megarhinus, 442.

Teleosaurian snout, Mr. J. W. Hulke on a fragment of a, from Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset, 442.

Tertiary beds, Mr. W. Whitaker on the cliff sections of the, west of Dieppe in Normandy, and at Newhaven in Sussex, 263.

— climates of South Africa, Mr. G. W. Stow on the, 534.

— deposits recently exposed at Portsmouth, Mr. C. J. A. Meyer on Lower, 74.

— or Posttertiary strata of South Africa, 515.

— Volcanic rocks of the British Islands, Prof. Geikie on the, 279.

Teudopsis Brodiei, 448.

Theca antiqua, 400.

Thorpe pit, Norwich, section in, 456 ; fossils from, 456.

Torcal, 110.

Tree-ferns and other fossils from the Devonian, Dr. J. W. Dawson on some, 269.

Trevelyan, Sir W. C, Bart., on supposed borings of Lithodomous Mollusca, 231.

Trigonia-beds of the Uitenhage formation, 498.

Trigonia Shepstonei, 66.

Tuffs of the island of Eigg, 293.

Tullich, hill of, section through, 102.

Uitenhage formation, Trigonia-beds of the, 498 ; saliferous beds of the, 505.

Umgeni river, section exposed by the, 59.

Umtamfuna river, Cretaceous fossils from, 67.

Unamara river, section across, 421,

Unconformity between the Cretaceous and Neocomian in the South of England, 221.

Urgonien, 223.

Vaal valley, crystalline rocks from, 50.

Valleys, Alpine, Rev. T. G. Bonney on theories of the excavation of, 812; basin-like, 540.

Veins in the island of Eigg, 298 ; basalt, with tachylite edges, east side of Beinn Tighe, Eigg, 299 ; anamesite and dolerite, in the island of Eigg, 299 ; pitchstone and felstone in Eigg, 299; basalt, traversing interbedded dolerites, Kildonan, Eigg, 300 ; pitchstone, traversing dolerite, Rudh an Tangairt, Eigg, 300.

Volcanic action, Mr. J. J. Murphy on the connexion of, with changes of level (Abstract), 108.

Volcanic rocks, Tertiary, of the British Islands, Prof. Geikie on the, 279.

Waetipu mountain, section through, 421.

Waldringfield, Prof. Duncan on a new species of Coral from the Bed Crag of, 369.

Walton-on-the-Naze, sections in the cliff at, 328, 333.

Warren house, section near, 339.

Washbank, section through the, 537.

Watersheds of Natal, 54.

Weal den and Neocomian, thinning out of the, in the south of England, 222.

—, Neocomian, and Cretaceous of the south of England, relations of the Punneld formation to the, 221.

—, relations of the Purbeck to the, 222.

Weald, sections of Punfield beds in the, 220.

—, S. V. Wood, Jun., Esq., on the evidence afforded by the detrital beds without and within the north-eastern part of the valley of the, as to the mode and date of the denudation of that valley. 3.

Westleton beds, Mr. J. Prestwich on the, 461.

Weybourne, Crag fossils from near, 460.

Whitaker, W., Esq., on the chalk of the cliffs from Seaford to Eastbourne, Sussex (title only), 92.

—, on the chalk of the southern part of Dorset and Devon, 93.