Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 28.djvu/145

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Figs. 10-12. Rotalina Soldanii. Rotalia near R. umbilicata (D'O.).

13-15. — — Akneriana. Planorbulina (Truncatulina), stout, compact, and many-chambered variety of Pl. farcta ; or it may be regarded as a variety of Pl. tuberosa, quite flattened on one face.

16-18. — — Ungeriana. Planorbulina (Anomalina), neat, compressed, and symmetrical subvariety of Pl. tuberosa.

19-21. — — Dutemplei. Planorbulina, a subvariety of Pl. tuberosa, much-depressed on one face.

22-24. — — Brongniartii. Pulvulina auricula (F. & M.).

25-27. — — aculeata. Calcarina Spengleri (Gm.), var.

Plate IX.

Figs. 16-17. Planorbulina mediterranensis. Planorbulina, var. of Pl. farcta (F. & M.).

18-23. Truncatulina lobatula (W. & J.). Pl. (Truncat.), a variety or arrested form of Pl. farcta.

24-26. — — Boueana. Pl. (Tr.) lobatula (W. & J.), a neat and round subvariety.

27-29. Anomalina variolata. Pl. (Tr.) lobatula, coarse-pored.

Plate X.

Figs. 1-3. Anomalina badenensis. Planorbulina (Anomalina), a discoidal, inflated subvariety of Pl. tuberosa.

4-9. — — austriaca. Planorb. (Anom.), discoidal, compressed, a thin-edged subvariety oi Pl. tuberosa, =ammonoides (Rss).

10-12. — — rotula. Pl. (Anom.), a flat subvariety of Pl. tuberosa.

13-15. Rotalina complanata. Discorbina, a neat, compact, helicoid subvariety of D. elegans (D'O.).

16-18. — — imperatoria. Discorbina related to D. pileolus (D'O,).

19_21- — — dubia. ?

22-24. — — viennensis. Rotalia, var. of R. Beccarii (Lin.).

25-27. — — simplex. Planorbulina, a simple, neat, helicoid subvariety of Pl. tuberosa.

Plate XI.

Figs. 1-3. Asterigerina planorbis. Discorbina rosacea (D'O.), a thick specimen.

4-6. Rosalina obtusa. Discorbina, a good variety, related to D. globularis (D'O.).

2. — To apply this critical determination of D'Orbigny's Viennese species to our study of the Cretaceous ROTALINAE, we must group them in their natural order, so as to render them comparable with the Table of Cretaceous Rotalines appended to this memoir ; we must also insert with them such other forms from the Vienna Tertiary beds as Czjzek, Reuss, and Karrer have discovered.

Those figured and described by Karrer are as follows : —

Anomalina Suessi, Karrer * . Sitzb. Ak. W. 1861, xliv. pl. 2. f. 2. A very much compressed Anomalina austriaca, D'O. From Odenburg.

Rotalia speciosa, Karrer. Sitzb. Ak. W. 1864, pl. 2. f. 12. Anomalina coronata, P. & J. From Baden.

Rotalia scutellaris, Karrer. Sitzb. Ak. W. 1864, 1. pl. 2. f. 13. Planorbulina Haidingerii (D'O.), subvariety. From Modling.

Rosalina granulosa, Karrer. Sitzb. Ak. W. 1864. 1. pl. 2. f. 14. Cymbalopora granulosa (Karrer). From Forchtenau.

Rotalia tuberosa, Karrer. Sitzb. Ak. W. 1867, lv. pl. 1. f. 4. Rotalia Schroeteriana, P. & J. From Laa, Lower Austria.

Globigerina arenaria, Karrer. Sitzb. Ak. W. 1867, lv. pl. 1. f. 10. (Non Globigerina.) Discorbina? From Grund, Lower Austria.

  • Some valuable Tables of the distribution of the Foraminifera in the several

formations of the Vienna Basin are given by Herr Felix Karrer in his paper " Ueber das Auftreten," &c. in the Sitzungsberichte, 1861-67.