Quartz-crystals, fresh, probably from a geode.
Agate, various, predominating largely ; angular, subangular, and rounded : many pebbles glazed.
No. 12. From Diamondia. See page 9.
Washed, coarse, agate gravel*, containing: —
Rather large pebbles of various Jaspers (red &c.), some glazed.
A subangular water-worn fragment of Crocidolite-rock (the Crocidolite, altered to fibrous quartz, interlaminated with dense siliceous bands).
Small subangular fragments of Sandstone.
Quartz crystals, both fresh and rounded.
One pebble of Agate-breccia.
Agate, very various and abundant ; subangular and rounded ; rather large ; some pebbles highly glazed.
Nos. 13, 14, 15. From Du, Toits Pan. See page 11.
1. Not washed. A small quantity of drab- coloured, calcareous, earthy, coarse sand.
2. Washed graved (from a " cradle " after sifting†), white and black, containing: —
Calcareous tufa and Calcite, very abundant ; subangular and rounded : supplying the largest lumps (not larger than walnuts) in the gravel, every thing else being of much smaller size.
Zeolite ; angular fragments, rare.
Felspar (Orthoclase and Albite ?) ; angular fragments, few.
Magnesian Mica, somewhat decomposed; flakes, preserving more or less of the crystal form, not rare.
Steatite ; pilular, in small concretionary globules ‡ ; common.
Soapstone ; three angular pieces.
Chlorite (Clinochlore) schist § ; one fresh fragment.
Fibrous Talc-rock § (altered Anthophyllite ?) ; lustrous, bronze- yellow ; three subangular pieces.
Green Actinolite-schist§ ; three subangular pieces.
Dark-grey soapy shale ; three freshly broken pieces.
Magnetite ; some small subangular fragments.
Ilmenite§, very abundant; fresh-broken, subangular, and rounded.
Garnet, including Pyrope and Cinnamon-stone, very abundant; fresh and subangular.
Diopside (including Smaragdite (?) and Enstatite), abundant; fresh and subangular. Also Olivine (?).
Natrolite, broken prismatic crystals ; not rare.
- A few fragments of Garnet, fresh and subangular, came with this parcel.
† A 39-carat diamond was found among this lot before it was sent.
‡ Prof. Tennant has received from Du Toit's Pan a small slab of greenish steatitic rock, composed of similar globules in a green matrix — also some Tourmaline and Zircon (rare), with decomposed felspathic, talcose, and micaceous rocks.
§ Bearing evidence of the presence of metamorphic rocks,