Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 29.djvu/255

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T. ovoides, Sow., = T. rex, Lankester; but it differs from it in the absence of any mesial depression in the dorsal valve, and carination in the ventral one. It was found by Mr. Judd in the Upper Oolite of Garty, Sutherland ; and I have much pleasure in naming it after the Rev. J. M. Joass, who has devoted so much attention to the Jurassic formations of that part of Scotland.

Terebratula (or Waldheimia) humeralis, Roemer. P1. VIII. figs. 4a, 46.

Specimens agreeing in every particular with the T. humeralis, Roemer (of which an excellent description and figures will be found at p. 414 of the ' Description Geologique et Paleontologique des etages Jurassiques de la Haute Marne,' by Messrs. P. de Loriol and E. Royer), appear to be common in the Upper Oolite of Garty, in Sutherlandshire. In France, according to the palaeontologists above named, it occurs in the " Calcaire a Astartes " or upper portion of the Coralline Oolite, a zone underlying the Kimmeridge. It had not been hitherto recorded as a British species.

Terebratula bisuffarcinata, Schlotheim. Pl. VIII. fig. 5.

Internal casts of this species are extremely abundant in the Coralline Oolite, or zone of Ammonites perarmatus, Lower Calcareous Grit of Braamberry Hill in Sutherlandshire. In 1862 I mistook it for T. perovalis, which some examples of Schlotheim's species much resemble ; but while comparing the numerous Scottish specimens collected by Mr. Judd with some typical forms of T. bisuffarcinata from the Korallen-Kalk of Muggendorf, recently sent to me by Dr. Sandberger, the identity of the Braamberry-Hill specimens became apparent.

In the same locality Mr. Judd obtained two internal casts, about an inch in length, of a well-characterized Waldheimia ; but a further search for more specimens will be needed before attempting its specific identification.

Internal casts of a Rhynchonella, much approaching B. pinguis, Roemer, have also been found in a light-yellow sandstone, slightly tinged with red, belonging to the Upper Oolite of Allt-na-Cuil, in Sutherlandshire ; but as the Scottish Liassic and Oolitic Brachiopoda will, I hope, be fully treated in the forthcoming supplement to my monograph, it may be preferable to reserve all further details for that publication.


Figs. 1, 2. — Rhynchonella Sutherlandi, sp. n. Upper Oolite, Garty.

Figs. 3, 3a. — Terebratula Jaom, sp. n. Upper Oolite, Garty.

Figs. 4, 4b. — Terebratula humeralis, Roem. Upper Oolite, Garty.

Fig. 5. — Terebratula bisuffarcinata, Schl. Lower Calcareous Grit, Braamberry Hill.