Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 29.djvu/289

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Glendon, (Nottingham, Rockingham, &c.

Diverging from a north-east course, we will follow for a time the range of the formation northwards. At Raven Wood, near Glendon (two miles from Kettering), are ancient quarries in the Lincolnshire Limestone ; which here has a thickness of about 8 feet, and is disposed in the same number of courses, some of the upper of which are more or less Oolitic. Towards the bottom is a hard band containing numerous Nerinoea cingenda, Bronn, N. triplicata, Bronn, Pinna cuneata, Phil., Serpula, &c.

It was these quarries which, in 1869, I had the privilege of visiting (as stated in my First Part) in the company of Professor Ramsay, F.R.S., Mr. Etheridge, F.R.S., Mr. Howell, F.G.S., and Mr. Judd, F.G.S. ; and here, upon the very threshold, as it were, of the formation, we found an abundance of fossils of sufficient significance to stamp the character of this Limestone, as being distinct from the Great Oolite Limestone of the Northampton district, and as being as certainly a member of the Inferior Oolite series.

Prominent among the fossils obtained and noted were : —

Gervillia acuta, Sow.

Lima proboscidea, Sow.

—, large sp. (allied to L. grandis, Romer) ?

Pecten personatus, Goldf.

Pinna cuneata, Phil.

Cardium Buckmani, Mor. & Lyc.

Ceromya Bajociana, d' Orb.

Lucina despecta, Phil., var. cardioides, d'Arch.

Myacites Scarburgensis, Phil., sp.

Pholadomya fidicula, Sow.

Pholadomya Heraulti, Ag.

Tancredia axiniformis, Phil.

Trigonia hemisphaerica, Lyeett.

Natica Leckhamptonensis, Lyeett.

Nerinaea eingenda, Bronn.

— triplicata, Bronn.

Serpula socialis, Goldf.

— sp.?

Acrosalenia Lycettii, Wright.

Pygaster semisulcatus, Phil.

Although the Upper Estuarine Clays are not seen in contact with the Lincolnshire Limestone in the Raven-Wood section, they immediately overlie it at a short distance eastwards.

At a short distance to the west is a deep railway-cutting in the Lower Estuarine Sands ; and at its north end, on either side, are shallow quarries in the Ferruginous beds of the Northampton Sand. So that the circumstances of the locality offer facilities for ascertaining certainly the vertical sequence of beds there ; which is represented in this gathered section, drawn from data taken by Mr. Etheridge on the spot : —

Section near Glendon Railway-cutting.

ft. in.

Lincolnshire Limestone

' Lower Estuarine Sands : — ft. in.

a. Brown Sand 2 0

b. Plant-bed, with vertical markings 1 6

c. White Sands 8 0

11 6

Ferruginous beds 10 0

Upper Lias Clay.