Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 32.djvu/335

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out of pebbles, in which advantage has been taken of the smooth surface to form one side of the implement.

A triangular implement (fig. 2), tapering from the unworked base to an obtuse point, and carefully worked at the sides and point, was obviously intended to be used in the hand like those of the Pleistocene river-gravels. The side which is not figured is flat, and has been produced by one blow which has split the pebble; it measures 4⋅4 inches.

A second rudely chipped stone has also probably been intended for use in the hand; its point, however, has been broken away, so that its exact original form cannot be ascertained.

A third, with curved hatchet-edge, is notched by use; and its rounded shape bears a resemblance to some of the "choppers" of Le Moustier, La Madelaine, and of the British river-gravels figured by Mr. Evans (fig. 443). It consists of a pebble broken so that the blunt end may be easily grasped in the fingers.

Figure 3 represents a rude flake which has the bulb of percussion and the surface of the chipping-block as well marked as in most flint implements of the same kind. One of its surfaces is composed of the water-worn surface of the pebble; and both its edges have been chipped by wear.

Another form may be described as a flake of the rude kind found in the valley-gravels and in the cave of Moustier. Its edges are considerably worn by use. It is the only quartzite implement found in the breccia, the two others being splinters.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.

Oval quartzite implement, ✕ 1/2. Cave-earth. a. Section. Oval implement of ironstone, ✕ 1/2. Cave-earth, a. Section.

The implements, fig. 4, of quartzite, and, fig. 5, of ironstone,have been chipped all round, and are of the oval shape common at St. Acheul and at Moustier. The first corresponds in form with that which I have figured from Wookey Hole in the Journal of the Society, and the second with one which I have in my possession