Fig. 1.—East-and-West Section through Windy-Knoll Fissure.
(Scale 20 feet to 1 inch.)

The whole skeleton of a reindeer was to be seen in the upper part of B; but it was so fragile that it was impossible to preserve more than a few insignificant fragments.
Other remains had been scattered after the death of the animal to which they had belonged, as, for example, a lower jaw of grisly bear which rested side by side with two lower jaws of reindeer. Very many of them were crushed by the weight of some of the large blocks of stone. One block of stalagmite measured 8x6x2 feet.
As the work proceeded, the limestone floor began rapidly to descend (fig. 2), and the ossiferous clay to thicken, until it reached a thick-
Fig. 2.—North-and-South Section through Windy-Knoll Fissure.
(Scale 20 feet to 1 inch.)