Page:Quarterlyoforego10oreg 1.djvu/390

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354 Peter Skene Ogden Journals nate they did^ for 2 Canadians were killed only 3 days after , it is gloomy to reflect the number of lives that have been lost in this quarter and without the death of one being revenged, not from want of will, but circumstances which prevented it. Hunt this day 2 beaver, altho 50 traps were out ; such a tardy Spring. Sunday, 19th. Two horses killed this day for food. Tuesday, 21. From the weak state of our horses and want of food I this day decided to send back 2 parties with the weak- est horses to trap the country we have traveled. Jean Baptiste Gervaise^ with 7 men, to await our arrival about July 15, and Antoine Sylvaille with 5 men to trap Sandwich Island and Un- fortunate River until they receive tidings from me. By this means, in regard to food, we shall be 14 less, and the horses will recruit. Wednesday, 22. At an early hour I started the rear party and have only to add I wish them success and that we may all meet again. Until we do, I shall feel uneasy from the number of accidents we have met with in this cursed country; but there is no other alternative. Sunday, 26 February. On our travels this day we saw a Snake Indian. His hut being near the road, curiosity induced me to enter. I had often heard these wretches subsisted on ants, locusts and small fish, not larger than minnies, and I wanted to find out if it was not an exaggeration of late travel- ers, but to my surprise, I found it was the case ; for in one of their dishes, not of small size, was filled with ants. They col- lected them in the morning early before the thaw commences. The locusts they collect in Summer and store up for their Winter ; in eating they give the preference to the former, being oily ; the latter not, on this food these poor wretches drag out 1 Fort Boise of Hudson's Bay Company, afterwards in the same vicinity. 2 Afterwards a settler on French Prairie, between Aurora and Salem, Marion
