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Page:Queen Moo's talisman; the fall of the Maya empire (IA queenmoostalisma00leplrich).djvu/101

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Ourselves we may condemn if we have failed
To do our best. But man has oft bewailed
As sin some harmless deed, and cast no blame
On other acts that should bear stamp of shame."

"This truth thou may'st enshrine within thy heart:
Of Life and Love Eternal we are part;
The Will Supreme is One, and lives in all;
This God, our holy self, can never fall.
Will is the law; then will the right, for aye!
Right will is all that mortal need obey."
Art bound to flesh?—thy spirit thus decreed;
This thou shalt realize again when freed.
Would'st thou repose? Resume the active way?
Thus shall it be: none may thy will gainsay.

Our will divine ordains we do our best;
If we do this, the future must attest
That where we passed we made love's tendrils twine
And hope's soft beam from many an eye to shine.
Love may for some mean but a fond caress;
But tenderly to serve is to express
Devotion, love's best gift, whence doth ascend
A fragrant incense which to earth can lend
A sweeter air, a rosier light, and make
Grand harmonies on mortal ear to break.

Eternal Love upholds thee, knows thy need;
Thou art in bounteous life, accept its meed;