Page:Queen Moo's talisman; the fall of the Maya empire (IA queenmoostalisma00leplrich).djvu/16

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lives on earth before returning to the great Source whence all emanate; also their rites and ceremonies as gathered from traditions of the natives of Yucatan, the fresco paintings found at Chicħen, and the books of ancient Maya authors.

As the general reader can hardly be expected to be familiar with the peculiar customs and ideas of the natives of Central America, these are sufficiently set forth in the Introduction, a careful perusal of which will greatly contribute to an appreciation of the poem.

Attention is also invited to the separate page containing a list of the Maya names and their meanings.

The second part of this narrative poem must be regarded not as a matter of belief on the part of the author, but solely as having been suggested by the belief of the natives who worked for Dr. Le Plongeon in his explorations among the ruins of Chicħen.