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Page:Queen Moo's talisman; the fall of the Maya empire (IA queenmoostalisma00leplrich).djvu/36

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From failings he deplored in that great State
They'd left, because 'twas threatened by dark fate.
He warned them oft—'Of luxury and pride
Beware!'—for well he knew how, side by side,
Such foes can plunge the soul of man in mire.
The arrogance of Mu roused Heaven's ire;
At her debauchery shocked, the gods forth fled;
Deserted thus, in agony she bled.
Simplicity and virtue stern, Can taught;
With zeal his subjects held this righteous thought;
Rejoiced in peace, and in dominion grew,
Till far and near the Mayas throve anew.
Can passed away before proud Mu was crushed,
But his successor's voice was yet unhushed.
Now, Princess dear, we reach, it seems to me,
Portentous years—come then, thy fate we'll see."

Thus spake the Sage, as o'er his raiment white
He threw an ample cloak of feathers bright,
Of royal yellow these and emerald-green,
Beneath the sky resplendent was their sheen
When forth he went, the Princess by his side,
To sacred place that had no roof to hide
The glorious light of day, but walled so high
That none could see within while passing by.

Móo's simple mind was here struck with amaze,
For where the wiseman fixed his earnest gaze