In drowsy bud Night breathed. "May love here bide!"
But love and pain are one, so floweret sighed
When glistening dew to perfumed petal clung,
Imploring—"Wake me not! by zephyr swung,
Ah! let me linger in this happy state!
Ope not the way to pang that may await."
But lovely Morn appeared with roseate ray,
And soon the god of day chased tears away;
Earth throbbed anew, leaves quivered with delight;
Flowers laughed, "We love! we live! thanks be to Night!"
In silent, sombre hour of deep repose
All form drinks in life's force that ever flows;
And from the tranquil vale of balmy rest
Each being leaps—love's joy they all attest.
On globes revolving night must follow day;
The universe doth this same law obey.
Pleasure with pain is mingled, gently kissed
By Sorrow, or regret for something missed;
As plaintive minor blends with major strain,
Fair Light's attendant shades adorn her train.
And Móo upon her marriage day had mourned,
For she by Oracle had been forewarned
That Coh from her might in the future time
Be torn by dastard treachery and crime.
Beyond that time the wiseman too could see
That Móo, bereft and harshly wronged, would flee.
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