Then the Keeper who sees
The gods' nectar ferment,
With these guardians of crops is content;
They his holy offerings place
Before the Father, pleading for His grace.
I too my offering make,
Of beauteous virgin bird,
And myself lacerate, breathing holy word.
Thee I love! then heed my cry!
My offering place in hands of the Most High.
Could Móo in far off days forget that prayer?
Ah no! for as it died upon the air
A messenger appeared; his words sought vent—
Ill tidings had to him their fleetness lent.
Poor human heart! that blenches, quivers, shrinks,
Appalled at fatal stroke that swift unlinks
Two lives attuned to one harmonious breath.
O loving heart! thy cruel foe is Death.
With this compared all other anguish pales;
To soothe this pang no human aid avails.
Affrighted eyes met hers—"Speak! speak!" she cried.
Heart knew and leaped—"Thou art alone!" it sighed.
In broken words the dire event was told—
The herald was forbidden to withhold
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