Defied and baffled in his hour of might,
He hated all who had contrived Móo's flight.
Each one suspected quickly met dark fate;
But cruel deeds could not Aac's ire abate.
By passion swayed like tree in tempest blast,
All wish for good and right aside he cast.
One satisfaction yet remained to him—
The flight of time should not his victory dim;
His palace walls should bear upon their face,
In carvings deep that time would ne'er erase,
His triumph over all who strove in vain
To hold him back from what he would attain.
And thus 'twas writ above his palace door,
Above the polished, crimson-painted floor.
Now came the days when Mayas knew no peace
'Neath Aac's harsh rule, and war that did not cease.
With sacred rite they strove to know the will
Of Can the Good; response came not, yet still
They plead; by holy fire would feign invoke
Some aid; and mystic power at last awoke
To seer's gaze the mighty Can of old,
Whose visage stern and sad his sorrow told.
No hope or promise in that face was read;
The country still would be by tyrant bled.
Again the seers besought, and Coh appeared—
Brave prince who had to all himself endeared—
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