A mystic clue this stone of magic, yea,
To scenes of long ago—but find the way.
Like other million forms, stone hath a soul,
A spark divine of God the Perfect Whole.
Then heard the woman toying with the stone:
"With power was this endowed for thee alone."
What voice thus spake from mind to mind? No sound
The silence broke, wherein her thought was bound.
"'Tis I, among Earth's men thy friend of old;
In times long past this page I thee foretold;
For thou hast been in this, his present life,
His sister one brief year; thou art his wife.
Attachments deep and strong are ties that bind;
We ever take the skein again to wind
Ourselves about with bonds that draw us back,
And which none other than ourselves can slack.
He came to give the ancient Maya race
Its right—on history's page a noble place.
He would to light restore what's hid away,
And throw upon the past a clearer ray."
"When we outgrow desire for mundane things—
Which are but means—our spirit finds its wings.
When universal love and light are all
We crave, no power of earth can us inthrall.
Peace comes alone through matter, which is strife;
Right effort lifts the soul to purer life.
Page:Queen Moo's talisman; the fall of the Maya empire (IA queenmoostalisma00leplrich).djvu/98