Page:Queen of the May.pdf/6

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Syne ſhe has drunken
my bonny grey marie,
That earned me thro'
the dub and the larlie,
Oh gin my wife
wad drink hooly and fairly,

Wad ſhe drink but her ain things,
I wadna much care,
But ſhe drinks my claithe
that I canna well ſpare,
When i'm wi' my goſips,
it angers me fairly,
Oh gin my wife
wad drink hooly and fairly.

My Sunday's coat
ſhe has laid a wad,
The belt blue bonnet
e’er was on my head;
At kirk or at market,
I’m cover’d but barely,
Oh gin my wife
wad drink hooly and fairly.

When there’s ony filler,

ſhe maun keep the purſe,