Page:Query in the Gospel Magazine for October M.DCC.LXXI (1783).pdf/12

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tions of the heart to our view, how ſhocking is the diſcovery, how dreadful our apprehenſions, as if we were in danger of being left to their power and dominion, little knowing that they are ſo many priſoners in the hands of the officers of juſtice, and reſtrained from doing us any real harm. A certain lady being robbed, and barbarouſly treated on the high way, the ruffian, who perpetrated the villainy, being taken, was brought to his trial, and the lady obliged to appear againſt him in court. No ſooner had ſhe ſet her eyes upon him, when brought to the bar, but ſhe ſcream'd out, as under the moſt alarming apprehenſions of danger, and, with difficulty, could be brought to believe that the villain was in fetters, and wholly in the power of the officers of the king; it is even frequently ſo with the poor believer upon any particular diſcovery of what is in his heart for want of conſidering that ſin hated is ſin pardoned, that abominations loathed are abominations cleanſed, he is apprehenſive of the most awful and tremendous conſequences of the diſcovery of his heart.

Theſe things duly attended to, I am inclined to think it will appear, that the Lord's people are frequently afraid, where there is no real ground for fear, and that we receive good very often under the diſguiſe of evil. I ſhall add nothing more now: but earneſtly pray, that a ſympathizing Redeemer may bleſs theſe few remarks for the benefit of the afflicted reader.