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QUERY in the Goſpel Magazine,

How may a Perſon be aſſured that his Afflictions
are ſanctified? &c.

THE afflictions of the Lord's people are undoubtedly always productive of spiritual advantage to their ſouls; for the inſpired Paul expreſsly ſays, "We know that all things work together for good to thoſe who love God, and are the called according to his purpoſe." There being no poſſibility for afflictions working in ordinary for the preſent good of the body, or of temporal circumſtances, it muſt follow, that the good for which they are ſaid to work is of a ſpiritual nature, and refers to the ſoul, though theſe effects which afflictions produce are not always apprehended on a ſudden. On the contrary, the very good which they do the believing ſoul is commonly matter of exquiſite diſtres for a time, till the muddy waters being ſomewhat ſettled, the child of ſorrow begins to ſee the duſt of the Redeemer's feet in the cloud which lately overſpread his tabernacle; for it ought always to be remembered, that the bridegroom pays moſt of his viſits to his betrothed in his cloudy chariot, ſo that we are ſeldom ſenſible of his preſence till he is gone, and the favour of his good ointments convinceth us of the identity of his perſon; but let the cloud be ever ſo gloomy and black, the aſpect of providence ever ſo threatening, it is morally impoſſible, that the viſits of Jeſus, ſhould do no good, let him aſſume what mode of appearance he will. His external appearances may vary, but his heart is ſtill the ſame melting heart of mercy and compaſſion. But, as the Lord does viſit with afflictions, and as afflictions duly ſanctified are a great bleſſing, how may a perſon be
